"Because a woman is always aware. You are always cognizant of eyes on you; of whispers behind your back; of the fact that you are expected to act a certain way in order to get what you want; of the knowledge that if you turn down a man's advances, he could turn on you and call you ugly, a bitch, or worse. Every woman is taught to be on her guard, that it's safer to assume than to risk. There is a fine line between looking out for yourself and thinking that every man is suspect and malicious. Deep down, we know that not every man is. Not all men set out to make women feel uncomfortable or like chattel, but all women live with the knowledge that somewhere there is someone who will. [...] Sexual harassment - with all the nuances that range from cat calls to rape - is a polarizing topic. It’s controversial, it makes people uncomfortable, and it’s not exactly something you can bring up in everyday conversation. [...] If one person doesn’t want it, that is where the conversation should end."
- Ella Ceron

He called me pathetic and that I was overreacting.

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